Monday, April 5, 2010


I have my first threat of legal action! Not bad for the first day on

Some people are very good at passive-aggressive bullshit, thinly veiled animosity, and outright stalking, but don't do overt confrontation very well.


  1. Doesn't someone have to have broken the law, for there to be legal action??? :O

  2. I have not long returned to the messageboards after a few years absence, so am not up with the play so to speak. To say that I have been appalled by what I have seen so far is a massive understatement. I know that freedom of speech is our right but what has happened to common courtesy and overall respect for other's opinions?
    Nessie, from the little I read of your posts, I can say that you have my respect for not allowing yourself to be driven by the pack mentality.
